Wobblebuns - Pumpkaboo Fronts, Helioptile Front, Goomy Front, Sliggoo Front, Mega Kangaskhan Baby, Espurr Front, Pangoro Front, Slurpuff Front Sky High - Mega Salamence, Diancie Back, Vivillon Icon, Pyroar Male Icon, Dedenne Icon, Xerneas Icon, Zygarde Icon, Diancie Icon, Hoopa Icon, Hoopa Unbound Icon, Volcanion Icon
Princessofmusic - Flabebe Front, Floette Front and Florges Front, Klefki Front, Espurr Front, Pangoro Front, Slurpuff Front Leparagon - Sylveon Front, Mega Alakazam, Mega Mewtwo X, Mega Mewtwo Y, Mega Tyranitar, Mega Blaziken front, Mega Swampert Back, Mega Latias, Mega Latios, Mega Lopunny, QC on Mega Swampert Spherical Ice - Litleo, Hawlucha, Dragalge Front, Binacle Front, Mega Beedrill Front, QC on Delphox Layell - Permission to use sprites from the mogon XY Sprite Project, QC on various sprites from the XY Sprite Project, Vivillon Front, Mega Absol Front, Espurr Front MrDollSteak - Everything except what's listed belowĬhaos Rush - For allowing me to continue the DS-Style 64圆4 Pokemon Sprite Resource, Arceus-Fairy, Bergmite Front, Goodra Back, Talonflame Front Basis Alolan Overworlds - Princess-Pheonix, Larryturbo, Kidkatt, Zender1752, SageDeoxysĬustom Battle backgrounds - Carchagui & tweaked by me